by Cecilia Timm | Jan 14, 2014 | Super Food Profiles
av·o·ca·do [av-uh-kah-doh, ah-vuh-]plural av·o·ca·dos Also called alligator pear. a large, usually pear shaped fruit having green to blackish skin, a single large seed, and soft, light-green pulp, borne by the tropical American tree Perseaamericana,...
by Cecilia Timm | Dec 17, 2013 | Super Food Profiles
qui·noa [keen-wah, kee-noh-uh] a tall crop plant, Chenopodium quinoa, of the amaranth family, cultivatedmainly in Peru, Bolivia, and Chile for its small, ivory-colored seed, which is used as a food staple. There is a lot of hype worldwide about quinoa as a superfood....